Kainat Felicia Norton and Muinuddin Charles Smith
Kainat Felicia Norton and Muinuddin Charles Smith are senior Sufi teachers, retreat guides, and interfaith ministers within the Inayati Sufi Order. Together they founded and facilitate the Light of Guidance Center for Sufi Studies in NYC (www.lightofguidance.org). They have also facilitated the Ziraat activity, devoted to inner cultivation and sacred ecology, within the Inayati Order.
Charles teaches leadership and sustainability studies at Hofstra University and Felicia teaches dance at the United Nations International School. They are married and live in New York City.
Felicia has been touring the solo dance/theatre piece ‘NOOR’, depicting the life of Noor Inayat Khan, Sufi WW2 heroine, in London, Edinburgh, UK, and France, and NYC. Most recently she performed ‘NOOR’ at Sarah Lawrence College.
Together Felicia and Charles co-authored “An Emerald Earth”, describing basic practices, poetry, and wisdom teachings from the Sufi tradition. They travel and offer retreats and workshops throughout the US, Canada and in Europe.
OTHER ARTICLES AND TALKS by Felicia Norton and Charles Smith
Toward the Source of Thought: Insights from David Bohm on a
Sustainable Future by Felicia Norton & Charles Smith World
Futures, ISSN: 0260-4027 (Print) 1556-1844 (Online) Journal homepage:
Intimacy with The Earth–Insights from the Sufi and Jungian
Alchemical Traditions on Transforming our Relationship with Matter,
with Felicia Norton & Charles Smith, Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, C.
G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. Volume 9, Number 4, pp. 58–75, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1080/19342039.2015.1086936
Embodying Evolutionary Vision: An Action-Based Experiment in Non-
Dual Perception, with Felicia Norton & Charles Smith, World Futures,
Vol. 67, pp. 201-212, 2011. https://doi.org/10.1080/02604027.2010.532753
Fresh perception: cultivating intimacy with the radiant earth. Resurgence & Ecologist https://theecologist.org/2018/sep/19/fresh-perception-cultivating-intimacy-radiant-earth
Joining Inner Cultivation with Hope and Sacred Action, with Felicia Kainat Norton and Charles Muinuddin Smith, Ph.D., Organization of Nature Evolutionaries Teleseminar https://www.natureevolutionaries.com/teleseminars-1/2019/2/17/joining-our-inner-cultivation-with-hope-and-sacred-action
For more information and to purchase An Emerald Earth: Cultivating a Natural Spirituality, please click here.
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